Real Weddings !!!! The Best way to present your work is to let your work to speak for you!! A trully blessed and happy couple got married in Namibia and we had the honor to be the responsible bridal house for the bride's attire.
Groom: Jan-Barend Scheepers Bride: Retha van der Schyf Wedding details: - Date: 9 April 2022 - Venue: Droombos, which is in Windhoek, Namibia , Droombos (Droombos means forest of dreams in the local language…:)) Credits: Wedding dress: nantina_athens - Photographer is Willem Vrey, @willemvrey - Cake baker is Tash Hamman @arttisserie - Make-up artist: Aneen Engel @aneenengel Hair and flowers/ decorations ourselves…:) Thank you very much for the wonderful cooperation!! Our Best wishes on this wonderful journey, as you build your new lives together. NANTINA team. #νυφικα #nyfiko #nifiko #weddingdresses2022 #weddingdress #νυφικα2022 #nyfika #nifika2022 #bride #gamos #γαμος #weddingdresses #Bride #wedding #nifika #nantina #designer #weddingday #nantinaweddingdress #ilovenantina #nantina_athens #realbride #realwedding #realweddings #Namibia #namibiawedding
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